Course Essentials

  • Students watch videos and complete readings and course work on their on schedule

  • Students meet with instructors weekly (as students are available) to strengthen their understanding and discuss assignments

  • Students receive certificates and letters of recommendation as appropriate

Course curriculum

    1. History of AI

    2. AI -- Replicating the Human Brain

    3. History Quiz

    4. How Do Large Language Models Work?

    5. How they Work Quiz

    6. Generative AI Tools Collaborate to Augment themselves, New Tools Develop

    7. Trends: Very Narrow AI and Information Management

    8. Trends Quiz

    9. AI's Improving Abilities: 7 Improving Capabilities

    10. Text to Multimodal Inputs and Outputs

    11. Trends and Disruptions in Education

    12. Disruptions Quiz

    13. Understanding AI Assigment

    14. Deep Dive: Additional External Resources on Module 0 Topics

    15. Key AI Terms

    16. 14 Things to Know About Large Language Models

    1. Introduction -- AI Writing and Cheating

    2. AI Writing and Cheating Intro Quiz

    3. Student Question -- Is Using AI Cheating?

    4. Assignment: Do you think using AI in school is cheating?

    5. The Goals of Education in Society

    6. Anonymous Interview with a Teacher Dealing with a Cheating Crisis

    7. Readings: AP & IB Policies

    8. Readings: APA and MLA Policies

    9. Readings: Sample Syllabus Statements and Teacher Policies

    10. Ways AI Tools Can Be Used in the Classroom

    11. Activity: Write an Honor Code

    12. Bonus: How to Defeat Plagiarism Detectors with Two Words

    13. How to Defeat Plagiarism Detectors with Two Words

    1. The Role of Language in Human History, Society and Artificial Intelligence

    2. Language and Society Quiz

    3. AI, Social Media and the Influence Economy

    4. Influence Economy Quiz

    5. Society-wide risks: Democratic and economic manipulation

    6. Democratic Manipulation Quiz

    7. The Dangers of Student Relationships with Bots

    8. Student Relationships with Bots Quiz

    9. EQ, The Pi Bot and the Dangers of Emotional Manipulation

    10. Assignment: Research ways social media has impact students

    11. Bonus: Two Articles on Social Media and Addiction

    12. Bonus: Students Don't Need Another Brick in the Wall

    1. Introduction to Learning Bots

    2. Required Readings on Using Bots as Tutors

    3. What to Consider When Using an AI Tutor

    4. Tutoring Quiz (Comprehensive)

    5. GAI to Brainstorm and Outliine

    6. Activity/Exercise: Develop a plan for how you could use GAI as a tutor

    1. GAI at Work Now and In the Future

    2. Required Videos to Watch

    3. Required Readings

    4. The Future and the Importance of Soft Skills

    5. Activity: Design you future career and how you will use AI in your work

    1. Required Readings

    2. The Environment and GAI

    3. Privacy and GAI

    4. Discrimination and Bias

    5. Existential Risks

    6. Managing an Uncertain Future

    7. Activity: Identify, explain, and defend your position on an AI ethical issue

About this course

  • $59.00
  • 72 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content

Develop AI Literacy


Dr. P. Anand Rao


. Anand Rao is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Communication and Digital Studies at the University of Mary Washington. He started integrating the use and study of ChatGPT into his spring courses, including his senior seminar and course in argumentation. In addition, is working to support university-wide efforts to integrate the use of generative AI into instruction. He is the co-editor of Chat(GPT): Navigating the Impact of Generative AI Technologies on Educational Theory and Practice. He also taught a spring online course on generative AI for debate coaches.

Dr. Sabba Quidwai


Dr. Sabba Quidwai is a former Education Executive at Apple and the founder of Designing Schools. Since the release of ChatGPT, she has been working with schools to train teachers to adapt to the new education landscape and with schools to help them integrate generative AI. She has presented at the MIT event for K-12 teachers and has appeared on multiple radio programs and podcasts.

Stefan Bauschard


Stefan Bauschard is a life-long educator who has spent 30 years developing live and online instructional programs for thousands of students from grades 5-16 around the world. He recently co-edited a large volume on generative AI in education, organized one of the first webinars on AI and education and has appeared on many podcasts on generative AI. He recently spoke at the Cottesmore AI conference and the NDCA conference. He has co-designed a new course on generative AI and Design Thinking with for professionals Dr. Sabba Quidwai.


  • Will students receive a certificate?

    Students who watch all the videos, pass the quizzes and submit all of the assignments will receive a certificate.

  • Is this an online course or a live course?

    It is both. There are a series of online modules that contain videos, texts, and supplemental materials. Before each live class meeting, the students should watch the videos, read the texts and complete the assignments. All of these will be discussed in the live meetings. The students can also attend any of the live sessions for help.

  • What if students cannot attend the live sessions?

    If students cannot make any of these sessions, they can schedule 4 hours of individual tutoring for and additional $300. Contact [email protected] if you are interested in this option.

  • How long will the content be available?

    Students will have access to the content for 90 days. After 90 days, students can purchase access to the content and all updates for $24.99/month.

  • Is there an age limit?

    Parents must certify that the student they are enrolling is at least 13 years of age and no older than 22

  • Will students be grouped by age?

    In any live sessions, we will group the students by age as much as possible.

  • What Generative AI tool accounts do students need?

    At a minimum, students need a parent-authorized ChatGPT account. The account can be a 3.5 account (free), but it should be noted that ChatGPT4 ($20/month) has more capabilities. Access to, Dalle-2, MidJourney, Google Docs, and Microsoft products is encouraged by not required. Please note that we can't provide direct tech support.